Best Little Lovely and Cute Babies

Do you ever wonder what do small babies think or what's going on in their mind. Let us show you with our imagination so that it brings a smile on your face. 

Baby Picture 1:

"I like these flowers very much, I wish I always have lots of these flowers around me. These flowers makes me smile...!"

Baby Picture 2 :

"Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle All The Way"... Do I look like Santa Clause...? But don't have beard yet.

Still my mom think I am Santa Clause because I made all of her wishes come true!

Baby Picture 3:

Oh God! When will I get my teeth, then I will look more cute and naughty and will surely get girl's attention.

Baby Picture 4:

Me too, Me too! I also want to eat that chicken but I don't have the teeth. What shall I do?

Baby Picture 5:

One day I will surely become a model. I have all the qualities that models need to have.

Baby Picture 6:

What a snowfall, I am feeling very cold.

Baby Picture 7:

Hey you... Come here. Don't dare to ignore my orders I my boss off all bosses...

"Big Boss, Big Boss, Big Boss"

Baby Picture 8:

Happy Valentine Day! I am so happy to receive this rose from you. I like roses very much especially white roses. 

Baby Picture 9:

Hello friends, I am back with two teethes now finally I can bite...? 

Can you suggest me which toothpaste shall I use now?

Baby Picture 10:

I am little brother with doing all little things to others, then can you imagine what a big brother would be like.

Baby Picture 11:

Can you guess why I am smiling? That's because I won the first prize in the dance competition.

Baby Picture 12:

I have just joined military. Don't you dare to attack my country. I hate fighting but at the same time, I could be very dangerous for you then.

Baby Picture 13:

Today I am very much happy that I came to this world, now can you tell me why I am here? I think I am here to have fun and to make others smile.

Baby Picture 14:

Yeeeepi, I have started crawling now, I can go anywhere by myself and can make everybody run behind me.